Road To Fitness


Every year I try to participate in the A-Z blogging challenge in April.  It gets me writing and it’s a fun way to catch up with family and friends I don’t get to talk to every day. I decided this year I’m starting early and hopefully I will continue to blog more than just one month.

Tall Cool ☺ne and I started this journey many years ago.  I decided to share the journey because the struggle is real. Two is one and one is none. The road to fitness is not something we can do on our own. I know there are people out there who want to do this. Don’t try to go it alone. I have no less than a dozen composition notebooks with calories logged, miles walked, and pounds lost, as well as gained over the years.  We have done this most of our adult life.  It happens in stretches (no pun intended). We start feeling good, our clothes fit, we stop logging calories, skip daily walks, enjoy a few pizza and beer nights that turn into a weekly routine.  Suddenly the five or ten pounds lost come back with a vengeance.  They bring relatives and they are hard to get rid of.  It’s tough.

This journey will cost you nothing but time and perseverance.  If you think paying hundreds of dollars for a gym membership, or a diet plan that measures food for you is what it takes to get healthy, think again. You can sign up for eighteen million programs that will encourage you and tell you how to exercise and what to eat. The sad truth is a lot of people think that if they pay the money it will force them into losing the weight and getting healthy.  I am not going to market anything.  We will take this trip together.  We will make mistakes along the way. The only thing this will cost you is a little bit of time and some effort.

We are now officially senior citizens (over 50).  Some days we feel like it, but that doesn’t mean we want to and we will not give in to the couch potato blues. We understand it is hard to be healthy and fit when society says you’re considered old. This is not one of those plans that you sign on for six weeks and get your hot bikini bod for summer.  It’s not a cabbage soup diet where you lose 7-10 pounds in a week.  It’s not a plan where you pay for food that is measured out in proportion size meals so that you don’t have to control yourself not to eat like a glutton.  This is a commitment.  I promise it will be fun.  I promise it will not be fun.  I promise it will be rewarding. I promise it will have downfalls.  I know you’re thinking, “Why would I want to do that?” Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.  I think everyone wants to make changes.  I think everyone wants to be healthy, fit, and more agile. The truth of the matter is, feeling good is a mindset.  It is a lifestyle. It takes time and determination.  It does not happen overnight. Patience is a virtue.

We are just normal old, overweight people, hoping to lose some pounds, eat healthier, and get fit. I hope you will decide to join us. I will try to blog a few times a week. I’m going to include some recipes, some ideas, and words of encouragement.  We’ll get healthy together.  Hell, we might even lose a few pounds.  What I hope to do here for the next nine weeks is prep myself for the April Blogging Challenge. I love to write.  It’s about writing, and I want to write something that will encourage and help others. We will be accountable to each other for persevering and I will be accountable for sharing the struggle.  Are you up for a change?  Can you commit?  Trust me, it will make you feel better.  If you are not completely satisfied, I’ll give you your money back.

Until next time,


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