Comfort Zone

Recently my position at work changed. These past three weeks have been extremely difficult. Not only did my schedule change, but my responsibilities changed. Programs and tools changed. I went from being a tenured know-it-all to an inexperienced newbie. Every day at the end of my shift I’ve left with a powerful headache and I’ve questioned myself whether I’m up for the challenge. A couple days I’ve even left crying to Joe telling him I’m not good enough.

Joe is so awesome. He reminds me that if we are not challenging ourselves we are not living life to the full potential. I used to go to work every day, handle every issue, instinctively knowing what the solution was. We get comfortable in our everyday lives. This new position has challenged me to use my brain. I have to research to answer every call. The solution does not come easy.

This is ironic because in our road to fitness the same is principles apply. Once we start to get comfortable with the routine our bodies will adjust to it. If we are not energizing our muscles they go dormant. Like our brains, muscles need to be stimulated. That being said, if you are getting comfortable in your fitness routine, it’s time to make a change. Step it up, go the extra mile. Muscles should feel a strain. If it’s easy, work harder.

Have a great day. See ya next time.

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