When Expectations Fail

When expectations fail we tend to beat ourselves up. For a lot of us this is a struggle we wrangle with daily. Some people call it OCD, while others just think we are being perfectionists. Whatever the case may be, it’s real.

Sometimes realistic expectations are met, yet we beat ourselves up because we think we could have done a little bit better. Even with good plans and the best intentions, we all hit a roadblock now and then. Me I tend to over analyze things and instead of just taking one day at a time, one pound at a time, I try to foresee things that I think will happen, and when they don’t I get mad at myself and eat chocolate.  Sometimes depression starts to set in and this is even worse.

I had a little pep talk with myself this morning after Joe encouraged me and reminded me that life is not fair. Sometimes we are the advocate for the underdog. God uses all of his own to bring glory to Him.

We have to drive to some of the locations where we take our walks. Joe drives like an old man most days. We had a car come up behind us really fast. We could tell the driver was in a hurry. It was in an area of double lines, and on a hill … no passing zone, if you were wondering. Once we crested the hill a herd, (I’m talking at least 12-16) deer crossed the road. We had to stop while waiting for them all to cross. Joe said we were put in that driver’s path. I think he’s right. Sometimes our failed expectations are God’s way for making something better happen.

Keep up the good, fight the fight.

Until next time,

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