
A great day for a ride.

It’s a brand new month with hordes of opportunities. The cold months are upon us. We have a lawn of leaves to rake, with buckets of pecans to gather. The air is crisp and geese are squawking overhead. Scenes of the fall harvest are upon us, and Christmas is just around the corner. I’m ready for a challenge, are you?

We’re back. Did you miss us? We missed you! Writing took a temporary hiatus. Isn’t it funny how we go through those seasons in our lives? Things we think are so important are not as important later as they were when they first seemed so important. Procrastination gets the best of me.

I became addicted to some silly video games for a season. (Joe put up with my randomness.) It’s unfortunate how things can get the best of us, and eat up our time like there is no tomorrow …before we know it, it’s tomorrow and we’ve wasted a whole day (or months) of doing absolutely nothing but gaining all those pounds back that we worked so hard to lose.

There is nothing wrong with having a hobby. They can entertain us and keep us out of the bars … or whatever other kind of trouble we might be tempted by. But with everything, hobbies are best in moderation. For me, video games are like a line of coke to a drug addict….bad, bad, and bad.

Luckily, I heard that inner voice (GOD) “What are you doing for the kingdom?” I was doing nothing but wasting time. The addiction was so inebriating I let chores slide, didn’t write in my journal, and I let correspondence go unanswered. I was a mess. I reached out to my prayer warriors and bless their souls, my desire to play those games was removed immediately. God is so good. When we pray for HIS will to be done, we can be assured He will answer.

The answer to our dilemma’s are so simple sometimes that we don’t pay attention because it’s so straightforward. Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it. Too many times we blame others for our own unhappiness. Happiness is an attitude. It comes from within.

It’s easy to fall prey. Binge watching old episodes of The Office curled up under a blanket on the couch comes easy. But instead of that, how about you take this challenge with us? Whatever you were doing, make a conscious effort to do something different. This is a brand new month.

Here’s your challenge: 250 steps an hour… 12 hours per day. Can you do it?

My challenge: An opportunity to write again. Four weeks in November plus two freebie days: four blogs. I’m excited. Are you?

Until next time,

Please feel free to share your comments, thoughts, ideas or just to say hello.