


Welcome back.  I’m glad you decided to join us for this journey.  Let’s get started.  Two things I want you to do today.  Little things, we are going to start out slow and easy.

#1 Drink more water.  Whatever you drink for water in a day, add two more glasses to it.  It’s hard enough to drink enough water in the summer time, when it is hot, let alone trying to drink enough in the winter time. Everyone says you should drink eight – 8 oz. glasses of water a day.   But, like a vehicle, everyone has a different body make and that’s like saying all car tires take the same amount of air pressure.  Wrong!  It depends on the vehicle.  Like tires, our body make up depends on how much water we should intake.

Take your weight (in pounds) and divide that by 2.2.

Multiply that number depending on your age: If you’re younger than 30, multiply by 40. If you’re between 30-55, multiply by 35. If you’re older than 55, multiply by 30.

Divide that sum by 28.3.

Your total is how many ounces of water you should drink each day. Divide that number by 8 to see your result in 8 oz. cups.

Don’t feel like you have to do that all at once.  I struggle to drink as much water as the formula says my body needs.  I count the water in my coffee and there is water in fruit too.  I also drink sparkling water to change it up. Add lemon or lime to the water to change the flavor.  Use a nice glass.  All these things help the intake of all the water your body needs.  Actual water is not the only place our body takes water from.  Keep that in mind.

#2 Move.  Move more than you do on a daily basis.  Take the stairs at work, not the elevator. Walk to the next cubical to tell your co-workers something instead of sending them an email or chat. Take an activity break to walk outside for some fresh air instead of getting off the couch to go to the refrigerator. Anything counts as movement.  Anything more than what is normal. While talking on the phone walk around your yard. Do some morning stretching before breakfast. Instead of taking the gator to get the mail, walk instead.  Park in the last row at Wal-Mart to pick up the rotisserie chicken for din-din.  Anything and everything counts.  Move, move, move.

That’s it. Pretty easy, huh?  So what do you think so far?  If you have a blank journal, we will start logging our goals and daily activities.  It helps and keeps us accountable.

Until next time,


Please feel free to share your comments, thoughts, ideas or just to say hello.