Journey with Joe and Ella

When I first started this blog three years ago we thought we would be “over the road” in an 18-wheeler.  Funny how our plans are not God’s plans.  Welcome back Joe and Ella with another journey. 

Joe always wanted a Harley Davidson, so when we were able to make the purchase it was like a dream come true.  We had spent a lot of money for Joe to get Class A certified to be a truck driver. That was the plan and if we had paid more attention to the ‘read-between-the-line’ innuendos of family and friends who had experienced trucking over the road, maybe we wouldn’t have gone through all of the heartache of it not working out.  But we all live and learn, right?  On with the next venture.

We made a purchase last year.  A 2010 Harley Davidson, and what better way to experience adventures over the road?  I hate that I started this really cool blog and have not been blogging. So let the Journey of Joe and Ella begin, again, on a Harley!

We took our first ride last August and have enjoyed many since.  We don’t travel too far … yet.  The feeling out there on a bike is something that you can’t understand unless you have experienced it.  It is hard to explain but I will try. All of your daily worries are gone, they are blown away with the wind.  It’s funny how the temperature can be so warm, but you still run into cold air pockets, like swimming in a lake, but different.

The feeling of free is irrefutable. It is almost like a whole different world.  Your senses are hyperbolic: the heat of the sunshine on your face, the smell a campfire, a skunk that made my mouth crave a Heineken, a dead deer carcass that made me gag a little, fresh cut grass, a diesel engine, jasmine, and someone’s laundry detergent. I even got a wiff of DEET, which I don’t think is used much anymore. Remember DEET?

People are different when you’re on a bike.  There is a universal wave that fellow bikers give when you pass.  I am looking forward to the new adventure.  I know there is a whole big world of bikers out there and maybe we will even meet some new friends.  It’s exciting for me. We both enjoy being out in the fresh air, riding and then I get to write about it.  I hope you’ll join us.  The warm weather is upon us, let the riding journey begin.

Until next time,

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