This virus thing has really got people in a panic. I was starting to turn hypochondriac watching the news and looking at Facebook so much. I was even wiping down my keyboard every time I used it. And I work from home! It’s scary and it continues to get worse.

What can you do? Stay home. Try to limit your trips to the store to once a week. When you do go to the store buy what you need and purchase a two week supply. I didn’t want to watch the news and stay inside.  We couldn’t do our venture out to the store where you can drink beer and grocery shop.  I wanted us to do something fun. 

I asked Joe to get us some dirt and we could do a little yard work. He had six yards delivered. What was I thinking? Joe never does anything “little”! Joe said we could go for a bike ride after all the dirt was shoveled. Needless to say there was no bike ride this weekend. But all of the dirt was shoveled. Maybe we’ll get to go for a ride next weekend. I think that can be considered social distancing.

Whatever you all are doing to get through this, seriously try to something fun. Something productive while you are practicing self quarantine. Don’t let this bring you down. I even made a little fairy garden.

Until next time,