Comfort Zone

Recently my position at work changed. These past three weeks have been extremely difficult. Not only did my schedule change, but my responsibilities changed. Programs and tools changed. I went from being a tenured know-it-all to an inexperienced newbie. Every day at the end of my shift I’ve left with a powerful headache and I’ve questioned myself whether I’m up for the challenge. A couple days I’ve even left crying to Joe telling him I’m not good enough.

Joe is so awesome. He reminds me that if we are not challenging ourselves we are not living life to the full potential. I used to go to work every day, handle every issue, instinctively knowing what the solution was. We get comfortable in our everyday lives. This new position has challenged me to use my brain. I have to research to answer every call. The solution does not come easy.

This is ironic because in our road to fitness the same is principles apply. Once we start to get comfortable with the routine our bodies will adjust to it. If we are not energizing our muscles they go dormant. Like our brains, muscles need to be stimulated. That being said, if you are getting comfortable in your fitness routine, it’s time to make a change. Step it up, go the extra mile. Muscles should feel a strain. If it’s easy, work harder.

Have a great day. See ya next time.

Fictional or Freaky Friday


Freaky Friday! Freaky may not even be the word for it. Remember when authors took real life incidents and turned them into novels? I don’t know about you, but it feels like Stephen King’s novel The Stand turned real.

I haven’t been out in public all week. When we take our walk it is practically in the middle of the night so no one is around. I work from home so I talk to people all day long. Other than the weather, this virus dominates the conversation.

I am wondering what it will be like tomorrow when we go out for supplies. I’m scared because I think eventually this virus is going to get someone I know and care about and that is going to suck. I am trying to deal with the anxiety that I’m feeling. The early morning walks help. Joe is encouraging me and very supportive, but I can tell he has some apprehension about the whole thing as well. He’s very good at covering it up, but I know when something is bothering him.

I wish I had some great solutions to make you all feel better. If anything stepping on the scale today might bring a smile to your face. I know I was surprised to see the missing pounds. All I can say is try to stay positive. Do what you know is the right thing to do. Don’t give up on your lifestyle change. This won’t last forever. Once this is determined it is no longer a pandemic, we’ll be ready to take on the next challenge.

See ya on the flip side,

Keep Moving

In light of what we have going on in our world, Joe and I are trying to stay as positive as possible and continue our journey on the Road to Fitness. We hope that you all are doing same. We know it is difficult under the circumstances to remain focused on a fitness routine when something so out of the ordinary gets thrown into the middle of it. As much as I want to watch and read everything I can about this, Joe reminds me that I could stress myself right into a panic. We are all worried about our family and friends. I know it sounds like I’m flogging a dead horse, but the best thing you can do for yourself is continue to eat healthy, drink plenty of water and exercise.

This morning we got the pleasure of greeting six deer. Beautiful creatures. We watched them and they watched us. It was too dark to get a photo.  The memory will remain. Did you know walking is the most ancient exercise?  Now it’s the best modern exercise. Anyone can do it and it doesn’t matter how fast or how far you go. One step at a time. And as Henry David Thoreau said, “an early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day”.

Clear your thoughts, shake your shoulders, take some deep breaths and go for it, baby!

Until next time,

P.S. Don’t forget, tomorrow is weigh in day! ☺


Leftovers are my favorite thing about St. Patrick’s Day. We love Reuben’s and if you make them right they aren’t all that high in calories. I wouldn’t suggest a steady diet of them but this is a lifestyle change we are working on, not a diet. Don’t give up the things you love, just eat or drink them in moderation.

Joe pushed us a little harder on the walk. He always does when we have something a little higher in calorie than a salad. It is hard when we are doing it. But when you think about it, does anyone look like they are having fun when they are exercising? If it were a fun thing, everyone would be doing it and no one would be fat.

Drink your water today. Get out there and take some steps. Be sure to social distance yourself now.

Until next time, stay motivated! 

When Expectations Fail

When expectations fail we tend to beat ourselves up. For a lot of us this is a struggle we wrangle with daily. Some people call it OCD, while others just think we are being perfectionists. Whatever the case may be, it’s real.

Sometimes realistic expectations are met, yet we beat ourselves up because we think we could have done a little bit better. Even with good plans and the best intentions, we all hit a roadblock now and then. Me I tend to over analyze things and instead of just taking one day at a time, one pound at a time, I try to foresee things that I think will happen, and when they don’t I get mad at myself and eat chocolate.  Sometimes depression starts to set in and this is even worse.

I had a little pep talk with myself this morning after Joe encouraged me and reminded me that life is not fair. Sometimes we are the advocate for the underdog. God uses all of his own to bring glory to Him.

We have to drive to some of the locations where we take our walks. Joe drives like an old man most days. We had a car come up behind us really fast. We could tell the driver was in a hurry. It was in an area of double lines, and on a hill … no passing zone, if you were wondering. Once we crested the hill a herd, (I’m talking at least 12-16) deer crossed the road. We had to stop while waiting for them all to cross. Joe said we were put in that driver’s path. I think he’s right. Sometimes our failed expectations are God’s way for making something better happen.

Keep up the good, fight the fight.

Until next time,