Fictional or Freaky Friday


Freaky Friday! Freaky may not even be the word for it. Remember when authors took real life incidents and turned them into novels? I don’t know about you, but it feels like Stephen King’s novel The Stand turned real.

I haven’t been out in public all week. When we take our walk it is practically in the middle of the night so no one is around. I work from home so I talk to people all day long. Other than the weather, this virus dominates the conversation.

I am wondering what it will be like tomorrow when we go out for supplies. I’m scared because I think eventually this virus is going to get someone I know and care about and that is going to suck. I am trying to deal with the anxiety that I’m feeling. The early morning walks help. Joe is encouraging me and very supportive, but I can tell he has some apprehension about the whole thing as well. He’s very good at covering it up, but I know when something is bothering him.

I wish I had some great solutions to make you all feel better. If anything stepping on the scale today might bring a smile to your face. I know I was surprised to see the missing pounds. All I can say is try to stay positive. Do what you know is the right thing to do. Don’t give up on your lifestyle change. This won’t last forever. Once this is determined it is no longer a pandemic, we’ll be ready to take on the next challenge.

See ya on the flip side,