The Dolphin Waxer

Joe & Ella’s Awesome Fishing Adventure

Lately we have been so busy with things around the house, we haven’t taken the time to do anything fun. Owning a house there is never a day when something doesn’t need to be done. But we decided to set aside a couple of hours on Sunday and have some fun. We packed up the cooler and headed to the lake.  Joe calls it a little worm drowning fun.

We arrived bright and early but, apparently not early enough because someone was already in our favorite spot. We embarked on finding another spot. It was a little treacherous traveling down the banking:  pine cones hiding under pine needles are slippery when stepped on just right. Being careful not to break an ankle, while carrying a chair, fishing box, cooler, and my cell phone was not easy, let me tell ya!

There were some campers, not camper-campers, but people who were tenting. We wondered why people would want to set up a tent on a side hill of dried up pine straw and pine cones. Maybe because it’s free? Maybe because it’s better than setting up a tent in the backyard of the subdivision they live in. Who knows? To each his own I guess, it is not the kind of place we would pitch a tent.

After much trudging around, we finally found the second most perfect fishing spot.  I commenced to getting things set up and situated. We hadn’t been fishing in a long time. I was certain this was going to be the day to catch THE BIG OLE FISH! I was hoping for a BIG OLE BASS! Even had my lucky bass hat on.

“Don’t look now but there’s a guy up there waxing his dolphin,” Joe says to me.

“WHAT?” I wasn’t’ sure I heard him right.

And like a car accident, you cannot drive by without looking, I looked. Not only that, I snapped a picture!

“YOU WHAT?” Joe asked later.

Sure enough there was a dude up there on the hill, having a big ole time with himself. Joe says he was getting back to nature.

In a sense I feel a little weird writing about this, like I’m invading his privacy. But wait a minute, he was in public.  He was in a space out in the open. It’s not like he didn’t have a tent where he could have done it privately. We laughed and joked about it because it was weird, but kind of funny. Like he was showing the lake what he had. You never know what to expect in this day and age. A few minutes later we heard a gunshot in a not so far off distance. That brought us back to the reality of what our world is now. And it kind of makes us realize you can never be too careful.

Our little adventure made us remember why we don’t venture out too far from home much anymore. You always have to be aware of your surroundings. The dolphin waxer was harmless to us, however, you never know what kind of people are out there or what they are going to do. It’s funny but it’s not funny.  People are strange and it’s a crazy world we live in.

Until next time, be careful, stay safe, and always, always be aware of your surroundings.